Star Wars Battlefront II vs. Titanfall 2: Which FPS Game is Better?

August 15, 2021

May the best game win! In this blog post, we will compare two popular first-person shooter games - Star Wars Battlefront II and Titanfall 2 - to help you decide which one to buy. We'll provide a factual, unbiased comparison of the two games, including numbers whenever possible.


Both Star Wars Battlefront II and Titanfall 2 offer incredible gameplay with unique features that set them apart from other FPS games on the market.

Star Wars Battlefront II allows players to immerse themselves in the Star Wars universe and experience iconic battles on all three eras of the Star Wars timeline. The game also features a robust single-player campaign, which was a vast improvement from its predecessor. The multiplayer mode is where the game shines, offering you the chance to play as your favorite heroes and villains, including Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, Luke Skywalker, and more.

On the other hand, Titanfall 2 offers a unique twist on traditional FPS games. Players don't just control soldiers but can also pilot giant mechs called Titans. The game has a campaign mode, which many players found to be well-written and engaging, with plenty of character development. The game also features a multiplayer mode that allows players to customize their Titans and compete against other players.


When it comes to graphics, both Star Wars Battlefront II and Titanfall 2 are stunning. They both make use of advanced graphics engines that allow for photo-realistic environments and character models.

However, Star Wars Battlefront II takes the cake with its attention to detail. From the weapons to the characters, every aspect of the game is faithful to the Star Wars universe. The game's vast maps also allow you to explore iconic locations like the Death Star and the forests of Endor.

Titanfall 2 also features fantastic graphics, with detailed environments and stunning Titan designs. The game's special effects, particularly during battles, are awe-inspiring.

Player Base

Player base is an essential aspect to consider when deciding between two games. You want to be sure you're investing in a game that has an active player base that will keep things fresh and exciting.

Star Wars Battlefront II has a vibrant community and is still receiving updates from its developers, ensuring the player base stays interested. Titanfall 2, unfortunately, didn't receive the same level of support from its developers, resulting in a dwindling player base.


Both Star Wars Battlefront II and Titanfall 2 offer unique and immersive gameplay experiences. However, Star Wars Battlefront II's attention to detail and active player base make it the clear winner in this comparison.

We hope this comparison has helped you make an informed decision about which game to invest in. No matter which one you choose, may the force be with you, or your Titans always ready for action.


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